Thursday, 28 July 2011

Improve Page Rank in 9 Simple Steps

Here are some simple strategies you can implement right now to drastically improve your page rank within the next 14-21 days.
To make it clear, I don't want you to rely solely on page rank to rank high in the SERPs, because page rank is not the only thing that determines your rankings. It also depends on how well you chose your headline, title tag, meta tags, keywords and a whole bunch of other factors.
Trust me when I say this: page rank is important but it's not SUPER important, because you can (and there are case studies to support this) rank on the first page of Google with low page rank. Just as the world we live in, SEO is a pretty messed u,.but when you get to the bottom of it, you realize that page rank is just a small piece of the SEO puzzle that you need to assemble when shooting for higher placements in the SERPs.
1. Quality Content
Google is all about the customer experience. Therefore, if you want to improve your page rank-you need to think like a customer. Next time you're posting a piece of content on your blog, ask yourself whether it is quality content. Will customer stay on your website more then 10 seconds when he sees it? Will it make him want to read more of the related content you posted previously? Will his experience with your website be a satisfying one?
If you can honestly say that the answer is "Yes!" for all of these questions, then you can assume that your content is, in fact, high quality.
2. Link Bait
The reason link bait will improve your page rank is because by posting link bait on your website you increase the chance of other websites linking to you-thus improving your link building, which is another important piece of the SEO puzzle.
3. Submit Your Site To Web Directories
Because of the fact that web directories are being monitored by humans, only mid-high quality web sites are being approved for submission. It makes it easier for Google to index those directories and trust the websites listed there. When submitting to web directories, you need to make sure that your website complies with the submission guidelines. Here's the list of all the top web directories you should consider submitting your site to if you want to improve page rank fast:
4. Start a Blog
This is kind of an obvious one, but I feel compelled to mention it nevertheless. A huge part of improving your page rank and SEO in general is content. The more pages of content you got on your website-the more authority with Google you get. A blog makes it easier to constantly add fresh content to your website-thus increasing the number of daily visits, subscribers and organic traffic.
If you don't own a blog yet, I highly recommend WPBeginner. These guys will not only educate you about blogging but also will set your blog up for free.
5. Create An RSS Feed
RSS will help you improve your page rank by allowing Google to index your site faster and easier. RSS or XML feeds allow your content to get syndicated to RSS directories-thus increasing the speed at which your content spreads around the web.
6. Don't Link To Just Anybody
When you're being asked to link back to other web sites, always consider whether this link is going to be valuable to your readers. Unless linking to this website will somehow improve the visitors' experience-don't give out your precious link to anyone!
7. Guest Post On Other-More Powerful Blogs
By bonding with other bloggers and webmasters, try to secure a guest author spot on other blogs. Make sure these blogs have a higher page rank then yours. That way, when you're going to write a guest post, you will have a valuable high page rank back link to your website/blog.
8. Keep It Fresh
Google loves fresh content. To improve your page rank-make sure to update your website with fresh, high quality content at least twice a weak or so. That's another reason why blogs are so SEO powerful.
9. Take Care of The 404 Pages
If you're site has 404 pages (error pages-URL doesn't exist)-you should monitor and redirect them using the 301 redirect script. If you're using WordPress-use Redirection plugin to do that. The reason this is a crucial part of SEO, is because if you have too many 404 pages -Google will consider your website low quality (it isn't being taken care of) and will either skip it, meaning you won't get indexed or will get stuck in the loop somewhere and eventually skip it as well. Either way-404 pages are bad and you should take care of them.
To find out whether your website got 404 pages use Google Webmaster Tools.
But Don't Get Carried Away With This SEO Babble...
These and dozens of other factors can be leveraged to improve page rank, but the one thing I learned is that you can't keep up with Google forever. Google constantly changes the rules and some people always get left on the side of the road because of that. The only way you can improve page rank and keep it high is by thinking like your customer/reader/visitor each time you do something with your website.
By doing that you're going to increase the number of visits your site is going to have and the quality of the experience of the visitor. This will get others to link to you and will help you rank high in the SERPs. That's what I do and that is exactly what I recommend you do too.

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